Our story unfolds in the picturesque commune and small town of “Bellano,” situated on the eastern shore of Lake Como in the Province of Lecco within the Italian region of Lombardy, at the northern outlet of the Valsassina. A notable feature of this town is the Orrido, a natural formation shaped by the erosion caused by the river Pioverna, a process that commenced approximately 15 million years ago.
Inspired by the concept of the Orrido and the unique charm of Bellano, we chose to adopt it as our product brand name. In 2012, we introduced our inaugural collection of stainless-steel cloth and bathroom accessories. Our designs seamlessly blend form and function, providing durability and ease of maintenance.
Building upon our initial success, we expanded our product range in 2015 to include stainless-steel kitchen sinks and bathroom cabinets. Furthermore, in 2018, we broadened our offerings to encompass stainless-steel faucets and showers.
Notably, 2020 marked a pivotal year for us as we diversified our product finishing options to include black and rose gold colors. This strategic move propelled our products towards a more modern and luxurious aesthetic, reflecting our commitment to innovation and style.